CHIP is a computer and communications magazine published by the CHIP Holding (formerly Vogel Burda Holding GmbH) in 15 countries of Europe and Asia. The German edition of CHIP was launched in September 1978 and is one of Germany's oldest and largest computer magazines with 418.019 copies sold in average each month of the 4th quarter 2008. CHIP Magazine, Indonesia leading computer magazine. Quality articles, reports, tests & reviews, technical comparisons, buyers guides, tips & tricks, guides and workshops, CHIP Online offers complete experiences for a global audience of IT enthusiasts in Indonesia.

Pilih Bahasa


February 7, 2011

Google Berbenah Diri

Google in the future no longer rely on revenue from advertising. Investment carried out for things that smell of health and energy. For the first time they will sell content.
Since its establishment in 1998, Google's ambition is to collect all the information around the world and process them. In early 2011, the target of world-class company is nearly achieved.

Google's market share and control a large share of advertising revenue. However, this is what is considered risk for them because 98 percent of income practically from one source, namely advertising.
This is what triggers Google to open new areas that we briefly had nothing to do with their core business.

Google TV
This service offers Video On Demand and information about the film.

Chrome OS
This operating system stores user data in the Cloud.

Electric Cars
Google invests millions of dollars for electric cars.

Google Book Store is able to display books in your browser.

Power Windmills
Google Energy produces environmentally friendly electricity, while currently only to supply their data centers.

Going forward, Google offers music in the Cloud.

DNA Sequencing
Through, Google offers DNA decoding services. Cost U.S. $ 199.

Social Networking
Competitors up from Google with the password 'Emerald Sea' will be launched in 2011 this.

This year will be enlivened more than 90 devices with Google Mobile OS.

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